Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hot Tub Hatin'

A quick and perhaps trivial hate….
While ID checking a few weeks ago, the rowdiest of my rowdy friends showed up and were acting drunk and obnoxious, (standard for a Saturday night. When my boss told me I would need to kick them out if they couldn’t calm the F down, I grabbed what I thought was my soberest of friends, looked him in they eyes and said, ‘cool out’. The response given to me was, “Who’s gonna kick us out….You?” [in probably the most cocky look ever]
So I told him at the first opportunity I had, I would throw him under the bus. This didn’t take long to happen.

Later on that night, I arrived at my friend’s house after work. I walked directly to the back, to find my friend lockin’ up with some girl. After walking by a few times, he came up to me and said, ‘hey, be a buddy and turn those lights off.” So instead, I did the exact opposite and left the lights on, so anyone who wanted to could see him. Needless to say, the hot tub needed to be refilled in the morning.

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