Saturday, October 4, 2008

Government Bailout - YES to Inflation!

Who said inflation is bad. With this new government bailout package, the reserve is going to print more money thus devaluing the already devalued dollar.

The good news -- im up to my asshole in debt, and all of that debt is at fixed levels. So my debt of 120k is at todays dollars, when I repay it, it will be worth substantially less. The banks are going to get fucked even harder than they already are!

Yay to inflation!

Some clarification

Just because our society is getting fatter and fatter by the day, this does not mean we have to lax our standards on what constitutes as fat.

Just for the record.

Skinny = Underweight, under the normal weight you should be.
Average = within a few (3) lbs. of what the normal weight should be. (when I say normal weight, its what BMI index is, not what you think 'normal' is.
A few extra lbs. = just what it says "A few extra lbs"!!! This means 3-5 lbs over what the average is. I would even go high as 8, but we are definitely not talking double digits here.
Curvy = A few extra lbs, but in the right places. Vague, yes, but still should not be abused. For example, if you say you are curvy, you cant have FUPA (look it up) When you hold your arm out, the fat that droops down should not have the same tangent of a 12 lb. bowling ball.

I hope this clears the record for a lot of people out there. Curvy = Curvy, not round.

Standing in the 10 item or less line at Target.

Here I sit, in line at target. I have some hi liters for school and some treats for the dog. Some lady is in front of me, with about 40 items. Normally that in itself would piss me off, but this was a special occasion. After about the fifth item, she would ask "how much does this cost" as she gave it to the cashier. "12.99," she would say... "I dont want that," the customer would retort. This went on for about five minutes. I wanted to pull up a chair.

The worst part was the eight-year-old kid who saw all of his school clothes go by the wayside because his deadbeat parents broke the bank by buying the blue-ray version of 'Soul Plane'.

The moment of redemption-- The cashier, literally said hold on, walked to a different checkout counter, turned on the light, and checked me out, and then went back to this person. I think deep down inside she wanted to beat that woman with a Toblerone bar.

This is why I vote Republican.