Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Stalker Hatin'

Today the student directory at our school came out. It has all of our information, such as a mugshot, email address, postal address, phone number, etc...

Naturally a bunch of self centered bitches are pissed off as hell because all of their personal information is in it, and they think people are going to stalk them. Before I even go on, I have to quote my immediate reaction to this assumption...

"Bitch- you should be happy anyone even talks to you."

Lets run down your stalkable characteristics: 1) your a self absorbed bitch 2) your fat 3) your ugly 4) your annoying. --Yea that sounds like you have a lot to worry about. Perhaps I should mention that the info that is in the student directory was based on a form that we had to fill out and hand into the administrative office, and it explicitly said that your information on the form would go into the student directory.

Maybe I should add a 5th quality- stupid / ignorant (take your pick).

Here is some sound advice for you... unless you realize the world does not revolve around you, get on a treadmill, put on some makeup, shut your fucking mouth and read a book, you have nothing to worry about. Nobody wants to stalk you. If anything, we will reference your picture in the directory to prevent us from firing off a load in some random.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
